Thursday 15 March 2012


It has been quite a break in between posts, quite unintentional on my part, but life sometimes gets in the way. Life sometimes moves so fast, I don't realize how much time has passed. It hasn't been any one big event, just a whole lot of feeling like there isn't enough hours in a day with all that is on my to-do-list. Today, I am taking some time out for me, though I'm sharing my timeout with my 15yo spawn who isn't up to school for today.

The funny thing about this sometimes fast paced world, it's easy to become disconnected, days or weeks can go by so quickly that I can go ages without catching up with a friend, or calling family and again, not intentional, it just happens. I think, I might wake them up if I call now or, I won't call now because so-and so's at work, I'll call after dinner, after dinner I find there isn't time for anything, so I'll promise myself it will happen tomorrow. Then the next day comes, nothings gone to plan, and so the cycle continues. How do I fix this? I deleted my Facebook ages ago, and this is the way most of the people in my world communicate. If they have a bad day, great news, or a bizarre something that happened to them, they post it on Facebook and everyone then knows, you don't have to tell everyone one person at a time. Without my Facebook I've missed out on so much, today I am reconnecting and making a new family and close friends only profile, I will never hear the words "But I put a status update on Facebook about it" again. 

In a previous post I spoke about reducing the daily disposable detritus my house accumulates, I am pleased to say it's working. Each week, my bins have less and less waste. The compost bin is still on my list though, I am hoping to scratch that off next week. 

The veggies are growing, we are currently picking beans, cucumbers, and strawberries. The tomatoes are getting closer to edible, and the pumpkin vine is on strike, sort of... there are flower buds, there have been for over a week, but none are opening. 

Here's to reconnecting, cheers, I am off to reconnect some more. 


I blog with BE Write

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