Tuesday 15 May 2012

Catching up

Wow, it's been awhile since I've been here. In my last post I mentioned that I needed to kick the flu for Groovin' the moo, it happened the other way around, the flu beat the crap out of me and I missed out, I'm still trying to lose the last unshakable fluey dregs. 

I did make my own delicious sourdough loaf.

15yo spawn and I made our own starters a few weeks ago, hers is named Sheldon for the Big Bang Theory's bacteria-phobic character, and mine is Seymour for the little shop of horrors as every time I see it I think "feed me Seymour, FEED ME." I know the plants name is Audrey II, but I like Seymour better, maybe if I make another starter I'll name it Audrey. It is incredible how good sourdough bread tastes fresh out of the oven! This will be something I do regularly. 

The garden has been neglected for the past few weeks, thankfully things are still slowly growing, though the weeds are taking over quite fast. I am almost ready to pull the tomatoes out, the pumpkins have already met their end after talking to my Sweet Sydney Sis, and discovering that if they get too cold the insides become mush. I have been watching Alys fowler/the edible garden for inspiration, and freaking out my spawn as she looks very like someone in our world, the resemblance is really quite eerie, they say everyone has a doppelgänger... I wonder who mine is and what she does. 

Baby spawn went to camp last week, it is amazing how much bigger my little home felt, or maybe the correct term is how empty my tiny home felt, all I know is how happy I am to have her back at home! Mothers day made me feel all kinds of appreciated, a long bath with a candle and bath salts, a cooked breakfast, and all 5 of my spawn giving me love. Love, and pressies. I didn't have to go far to appreciate my Mumsy, we keep her in the backyard. Well, in a bungalow in our backyard, she got pressies, breakfast, and love too! Miss Perky Pants's (formerly Little Miss Perky,) car broke down and it was one of those "I am so proud of my family" moments, watching everyone chipping in to help. Unfortunately it wasn't something that could be patched up, the alternator is gone. My Justin will be looking for a new one, just because he is awesome. 

And Murphy has been my comforting pal while I've been unwell. I find this photo funny as he really is huge, in a Shetland pony kind of way, and yet he looks so small in this shot...

And here is a favourite of Murphy with two of my spawn.

A very poor quality shot of him and I taken by my son, but you get size relevance.

And finally him jumping up on 19yo spawn for a kiss. As second oldest and second tallest spawn, Micheal stands at 5'10" which means Murphy is taller than me.

He is a big beautiful boy! 

I am off to catch up on some blog reading whilst hoping my gas bottle is delivered soon, there is no mains gas in my little town, if I want a hot bath I need gas. Have a terrific Tuesday Peeps!


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