Sunday 27 May 2012

A family moment for my mumma

It has been wet and rainy in my tiny corner of the world, the frost is sparkling in the mornings, winter is creeping ever closer. Goodbye to my favourite season, by July I'll be wishing for spring.

 This week has been a necessarily restful one, I live with a condition that flares up every few months or so, I will hopefully have it under control again soon, but until then I am taking it very easy. It's not been all boring rest though, it was my Mumsy's birthday yesterday, I was too unwell to make the traditional birthday pancakes, (something the spawn are promising to remind me of every morning in the hopes I'll be well soon and make them, they are owed.) but we did go out to our newish traditional mums birthday restaurant. 

Mumma and the gorgeously sweet 19yo spawn who for once, didn't get the chicken parma. 

Miss perky pants and our beautiful mumma. I forgot to get my own photo with her, next year we'll have to get a nice one of the three of us. It is so hard to get a good shot of my mumma, once she sees the camera all you see is her hand.

My partner and my crazy lovable 20yo spawn. (How old do I feel?) He told me he is going for his motorcycle P plates next week, Good luck and be safe! 

And my Justin and I. I am now thinking the piggy tales are a subconscious refusal to believe I have almost grown spawn. Miss perky pants bought her awesome partner as well, I need to think of a code/nick name that suits him, and we all had a wonderful night, especially the birthday girl. 

I am sure food growing posts will resume soon, I know I wrote from the start that I didn't want my blog to be predominantly about the garden, but it seems so far that's what it has mostly been, I will have to think about the whys of that. For the most part I think it helps to keep my perspective positive, sharing something I'm proud of, and having a record of my successes and lessons learnt. A Huge thank you to 15yo spawn for looking after and feeding the youngest two last night. 

Wishing I hadn't run out of gas again, I'm really missing the hot baths,


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