Monday 18 February 2013

Just a little update while I have the chance...

Thing have been so hectic and stressful the past few months, from murphy needing surgery, to buying a home, organising all the new services, and new schools for the children. There has been a bushfire scare, things needing urgent repairs, birthdays, and personal crisis's. I know, when i look back in six months time, this will all have been worth it, but right now it's bloody hard. There are good things, great things ahead, and I'm keeping my eyes open for all the good moments I want to cling to.

Our new home, or as my big sis put it, our forever home, I really love the sound of that. I dont think I can explain how much it means to me that this is ours, no more renting, no more moving, I have stability. We now have a bedroom each for all the spawn, and a spare room for guests/the office. Our poor old farmhouse was once on much more land, which has been sold off until it was surrounded by only 2 acres, and has been modified and added to in a hodge podge of styles. The only flat floors we have are in the newer additions that are now the two youngest spawns, and the dining room. 

It appears that they over compensated when they propped up the original Victorian floors, the middle is usually a good inch or two higher than the edges, although in some rooms it's just a big single slope. It's on our to do list... With 200 other things.

First thing was to call a plumber out to replace the regulator for our LPG, there was a really bad leak, it's only use is hot water, but that's one thing I can't live without. Well, not when there's no dishwasher, it took forever to fill the sink with the kettle. 

Next was to build fences and hang gates to keep murphy in, Jus did a great job with a little help from our sons, and now our love is set in concrete, literally. 

My mum looked after our Murphy while we got the property escape proof, he has never had such space, and has been my constant shadow, he seems terrified that if I'm out of sight, I'll leave him again. We aren't allowing him into the paddocks, just the main fenced in part around the house. I missed my big bear so much, it broke my heart to see how much he'd missed us too. 

Life has been very different out here, neighbours that come over to give me rhubarb, going to the general store to pick up my post, the spawn having space to run and play, and getting along a little better because they have room and aren't always on top of each other. There are still fights, but less of them. And I am loving the not having to rush myself in the morning, I don't have to drive, there is a bus that comes to pick 13yo spawn up, and 11yo spawn walks. We are currently trying to organise distance education for 16yo spawn. 

We owe so much thanks, with my poor health and Justin's back, which decided to go out the day before the main move. Without little miss perky, Ray and Jo, and 20yo spawn Mikey, we wouldn't have been able to make the main part of the move. There is still a lot to do here, but I can't finish until, we get the rest of our things, my mumma finds somewhere to live, and we can do the final clean on our old house. I am hoping this weekend I can find the physical strength to make that happen, because the clock is ticking and I have to hand in the keys. I really hate it when everything is last minute, the stress is so overwhelming, and paying for two houses is beyond hard, but there really hasn't been another choice. I can't wait until I can relax and enjoy a slow day or two, to let my body rest and heal, and to finally enjoy what we have here.


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