Tuesday 17 April 2012

Garden updates

School holidays are over, finally, I have a little solitude, but I had to give up the sleep in, and I really love the sleep in. I have previously posted about my tomatoes, (I would add a link, but I haven't quite worked out how to make that happen on my iPad yet.) I am growing the Grosse Lisse variety, and yesterday we finally ate our first one!
It was so sweet and delicious, I am looking at the rest now, impatiently waiting for them to ripen.
We also ate something else from the garden, yesterday, I was making veggie soup and I realised there was no celery! I do have celery growing, but it's still so small, well tallish but thin, I wasn't sure we could really eat it yet. A quick Internet search and a taste test later, I was out in the garden, pruning shears in hand, snipping off a few tasty stalks for the pot. 

Baby celery had a much stronger flavour, and when raw, a nice peppery bite. I used the whole stalk, leaves and all. It was great to find what I needed in the back garden, now if only I could grow money... I suppose in a way, I do.

There is also new life happening in the garden, maybe in another three or four months, we might be eating soup for which everything is grown in our backyard! 

I've planted 5 climbing peas, and also cabbage, swede, cauliflower, leeks, spring onions, carrots, with some sage and dill to help with pests. Most have started to peek through the soil, there will be progress photo's. Sharing gives me a boost of encouragement, be prepared for the photo onslaught, I need all the encouragement I can get!
The perpetual spinach has been very encouraging.

These cherry tomato seedlings too, I have them positioned so that as they grow, they will cascade down instead of me trying to tame them up.

Annie, my kombi might not be on the road for awhile, the amount of TLC she needs, and the cost of all that TLC, is more than we can afford at the moment. There is a positive in this, I'll be able to spend some time treating rust spots, and prettying her up, do all those little projects that I can't do when driving her everyday. 
I am off to the kitchen, where I will dance and sing to jericco, and work out what we are having for dinner tonight... What music has you bouncing right now?


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