Monday 23 April 2012

A great day, sad, but great!

Saturday was a lazy one, I woke up late and had nowhere to be, and no spawnlets to negotiate with. I think they should all be lawyers, if there's a loophole or a metaphorical get out of jail free card, they'll find it. My Justin had them overnight at his place for an early start clean up at his worksite, Justin got help, the spawn earnt some money, and I got a little solitude, a win all round. I tended the garden a little, and pottered around, caught up on some shows, and stayed in my pajamas almost all day. A wander through the greenhouse showed the rocket wasn't going to make it, I'm not sure why, but I'm thinking it was the soil, too much manure. It's possibly also the reason the lettuce is not growing well.

My dying rocket.

My lettuce, a salad mix planted months ago and still quite small. I turned the rocket through the soil and planted some parsnip seeds, fingers crossed they do better.

Yesterday was a great day, sad, but great. On Thursday I picked up my little sis, li'l miss perky, from the train station, as her car had died a couple of weeks ago. She'd been away almost a week due to exams, (she's going to be a famous scientist, the next David Suzuki, well that's what I think anyway.) my Mumma and Micheal, the second oldest spawn, had dog-sat her black lab Gerome, and she was eager to get home to her Romy, and a long hot shower. 
She had to check out of her accommodation at 8.30 the morning before, attend revision classes til lunch, sit a two hour exam. And then wait twelve hours for her train, and over eight just for the station to open, where there would be shelter from the rain, and maybe a better feeling of safety from the drunk yobbo's that were hanging around, that's the short version. She had survived on four and a half hours sleep the night before, and by the time I'd picked her up she'd only had another broken three on the train, she'd been in the same clothes for twenty eight hours, but was still amazingly perky, weird isn't she? She really is the perkiest person i've ever met.
When she finally makes it home, Gerome was really shaky, his back legs weren't holding well, we decided to take him to the vet after li'l miss perky had a shower and some sleep. We both didn't want to think about what was coming, at 13yo he's deaf, almost blind, arthritic, with thyroid cancer and dementia. The vet knew what was coming too, but knowing how much Gerome means to my sister, knowing that there is nothing she wouldn't do or hasn't done for her dog, and because he's a brilliant vet, he let her take Romy home with some steroid medication. That night I had to tell my Mumma and spawn that our beloved Booba, was not long for this world. I am grateful my usually perky sis, didn't have to come home and say goodbye so soon, it would have been far too much to take. Yesterday, we all spent the day with him, we had a big get together lunch at my sisters so the spawn could see him one last time, drop lots of naughty food accidentally on purpose, and spoil him rotten. I fed him a lot of grapes, they're a favorite of his, and took lots of pictures knowing this would be a last chance. For some of my spawn, Gerome has been there their whole life, and for the others, their earlier and happier memories. It was a great day, and tomorrow will possibly be Romy's last, we will miss him more than he will ever know, he's not just a dog, he's family.

A photo collage of Geromes special day... 

I wrote a post called The adventurous black lab and other stuff in February.

I am going now to dry my eyes and call my sis, make sure she's okay. 


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