Friday 27 April 2012

Sweet dreams Booba

I've been trying to blog about Gerome for a couple of days now, it has been hard for me to write more than a sentence at a time, I am just so teary.

I know in my last post I said that the next day would probably be Gerome's last, and heartbreakingly, it was. My Sis picked me up at 10am on Tuesday to go to the vets, prepared to argue that the steroids are helping, and maybe he could have another couple of months left. In another two months, our Romy would have been 14. I took as many pictures as I could on the way, preparing for the worst, hoping for the best, and trying to be strong enough to be support for my sis either way. All of it was way harder than I had prepared myself for, and when I knew my Sis had, brave with selfless love, made the choice to say goodbye, I was blubbering as badly as she was. The next time I looked at my watch, it was 11.46am and Gerome was no longer with us. 

I would love to tell you Gerome's lesson in patience when playing catch, how he had worked that feed me look down to a fine skill, or how he didn't know that his body was far too big for my sisters lap, and the times his tail made her hallway look like a crime scene. Then there are the times he ate concrete, clothing, shoes, and chockie freckles. How I always ended up with the butt, or the short while he and Murphy were allowed to play. I wish I could write about how different he was with each of my spawn, or how he helped one of them over their fear of dogs. I'd love to list all his nicknames, he has had more nicknames than any dog I've ever met, and he answered to everyone of them, until he lost his hearing. None of them even come close to describing all that he means to us.

I can say that Gerome was so right when he chose my sister to take him home, his health and diet problems have been challenging, expensive, and many. But he had every need met and excellent care, and all the love anyone could wish for. He was the best person for the job of teaching her what unconditional love is, and he had the most optimistically stubborn owner, she would never give up on him. Theirs is a heartbreaking story of eternal friendship, loyalty, and love... With a whole lot of laughter thrown in as well. My sis wouldn't be who she is if not for her best friend, and there is nobody out there who is a part of her life, that doesn't know and love Gerome, whether they have met him or not...

 Sweet dreams Booba, I hope wherever you are, they're serving spaghetti bolognese.


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